Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sustainers: The Finale

Sustainers aren't free.

Think about it like this. 
Some of your Sustainers are hyper-connected to your mission.  They love what you do, and they're highly likely to increase their giving, make additional gifts, or even, place your organization in their will.

The rest of your Sustainers have an affinity for your organization, but their main motivation for making a monthly gift is one of convenience or ease... they're not that connected yet.

Both groups demand serious attention.

Ignore the first, and you miss out on big time additional revenue opportunity.  

Ignore the second, and at their first annoyance, they're far more likely to cease their giving.  Once they've taken that decisive negative step, it will be a long time before they forget.

You simply must invest in thanking them... staying connected with them... asking them for additional support... and ensuring that they know that what they do makes a difference.

It will pay off.

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