Thursday, November 29, 2012

Little words. Big difference.

Many fundraising appeals are peppered with the word "if." 

If you contribute today, you'll feel great knowing you did a world of good.... If you give, we'll place your name on our holiday tree.... If you act by December 15, we'll thank you with an extra special gift....

There's a wonderful technique called the assumptive close. It means you craft your appeal as though you assume the recipient will take action. It's simple to do. Just change those "ifs" to "whens."

When you make your contribution today, you'll feel great knowing you did a world of good.... When you give, we'll place your name on our holiday tree.... When you act by December 15, we'll thank you with an extra special gift....

This technique is particularly effective when you're talking about benefits. It's active, it leans forward, it inspires more action. Plus, it brings the focus more quickly towards how much they'll give... how they'll give... and what good they'll do.

This is one case where it's a great thing to assume!

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